Welcome to KIC

Faith, Family, Friendship

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Welcome to KIC!

Draw Closer to Allah for ourselves, our families , and our community

Our mission is to be part of an active, welcoming, Islamic community. This community will be inclusive and engaging for brothers, sisters, and youth members. This community will have regular English language Islamic programs, with an emphasis on families, sisters, and youth focused content. There will be consistent opportunities for volunteering, with pre-existing community organizations working in the social service sphere.


"A believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts support each other.” The Prophet(saw) then clasped his hands with the fingers interlaced while saying that.” (Bukhari)


Our Goal

Draw ourselves, families, and community closer to Allah. We also want to help develop an Islamic community which inclusive and engaging for brothers, sisters, seniors, and youth members


Breaking down the problem

As families caught in day to day life, us as families do not spend enough time together in Islamic Activities. The current focus of the islamic spaces around us are on hosting the 5 prayers, and Jummah. This was a need for the community when it was first established, but the evolution of the space has not kept pace with community needs for the 1st and 2nd generation of muslims in America.  In our current islamic spaces, women and childrens often do not have content focused on their needs and interests. The content provided is often at times which is not practical for evolving the entire family-


Problems We Will Try to Address

Content including engaging, fun, entertaining, emotionally compelling lectures, volunteer activities, and social activities for families. This will be done with consistent, monthly to bi-monthly events primarily on weekends during a time families are mostly free. Location will be family friendly sites that will allow a sense of belonging open to all. Our main goal is to help build and islamic identity and friendship for our children.


Our Vision

We Feel Houston although has amazing diversity of Muslim communities and ideas, but we have not kept up the pace with other cities. We would like to eventually create a third space/community space that would hold consistent islamic programs from men, women, seniors, and children.

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